How A Tie Can Help Grow Your Business
In the business world most of us have become used to wearing business attire during business events such as job interviews, company holiday parties, client meetings, professional headshots, visits from corporate, etc. It's no secret that we seem to even act more professional when we dress the part. Have you ever thought about how you can ensure that your professional image stands strong all the way to the hands of your client? Are you sure you're being represented accordingly when you send that ever so precious item over to them?

Many businesses work hard around the clock and invest lots of capital into protecting the image of their products and services but unfortunately fail to maintain this image once it leaves their office or warehouse. If you were a prospective client of two competing companies and company number one sends you their proposal with a driver dressed in a dirty polo shirt, stained shorts, and work boots but company number two sends you the same proposal through a representative who is dressed in crisp slacks, a pressed button-up, and a bright red tie. Which company has the edge over the other? It's pretty clear right? You would buy from the company that thinks enough of you to 'red tie' your proposal instead of sending it through a seemingly uncaring 'driver' as if you're the last item a long to-do list before the owner can catch his six o'clock flight to the grey sands of Brasilito Beach.
Here lies your unique opportunity to outshine the competition in this survival of the fittest business environment. Don't let your messenger inadvertently spoil or negatively affect your business image. As a business owner, none of your clients deserve anything less than your own flawless image of your company. I know this is easier said than done considering alot of small businesses simply aren't willing or able to hire and pay an extra employee as a courier/messenger. Consider this, how will you stand out against your competition? Here's how. Take special care of your brand and services and see them all the way to the hands of your client. Don't drop the ball once your product, service, or proposal leaves your office.
Contracting a professional business-level courier company that has your best image in mind could be the difference in what gets your company over the hump and certainly gets them talking about how you really take care of each and every one of your clients. After all, what do you have to lose? Hmmmm...Only your client!